The baby will be delighted to hear your voice and this will make him/her attached to you quickly after birth. They listen and respond much more than what we think and perceive.To bond with the baby, make it a point to gently talk to your unborn baby. This is the time to create a beautiful bond with your baby. If you think that it is pointless to talk to the unborn baby, you are wrong. It is believed that meditation increases the life force or the ‘prana’ in the body and builds strength in both the mother and the baby. Meditation helps in developing positive thoughts and is also said to aid the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of the baby. Pregnancy can be a time of huge physical and emotional changes and to cope with these, you can take solace in mediation to get tranquil and bring a sense of calm. It will also be best to perform the yoga poses under an expert’s supervision. You can start doing prenatal yoga, after a proper consultation with your doctors. Yoga is also said to help in a healthy pregnancy and a natural delivery. This sense of well-being and calmness also passes to the baby and thus regular gentle yoga is an important part of the garbh sanskar. It also helps the mother to feel relaxed and calm. Prenatal yoga is said to help create a bond between the unborn baby and the mother. This diet helps keep the baby healthy and also avoids risk of infections and diseases.Īlso Read: 7 Useful Home Remedies to Cure Cough and Cold during Pregnancy #4. Though, you must avoid spicy and fermented foods especially that contain preservatives. You are allowed to eat all flavors including sweet, bitter, sour, salty, pungent and astringent. Also, in this kind of diet the focus is on eating food containing essential vital nutrients, that too in the balanced proportions. In this kind of diet, you need to eat fresh meals consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables. The third way to do Garbh Sanskar at home is to start “sattvic” diet or a “pure” diet during pregnancy. Whatever you eat will affect your baby directly. This is the reason why many mothers listen to the spiritual music like Gayatri Mantra, hanuman chalisa, and other bhajans when they are expecting. However, scientists do accept that mother’s stress can pass on to the baby by way of hormonal changes and thus relaxing music can definitely help. Also, there are several scientific studies that talk about the fact that the music makes the baby in the womb smarter, though this is still debatable. As per Kelly Kasper, the MD, ob-gyn, and the associate clinical professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine, “If a mom plays music that she likes, it relaxes her and decreases the stress she’s feeling,”. This is another magnificent way to bring delight to your baby.

It is best to avoid reading horror or thriller genre, so as to retain a calm and peaceful state of mind. Your mind will also attain some peace and calm. Reading out a spiritual book will inculcate positive thoughts and feelings in him. Not only that, the baby can respond to the outside voices too. Don’t be surprised, your baby can hear you when he is seven months of age in your womb.

Read some religious books aloud to allow the baby to hear you.

While you may instinctively know that staying happy and positive and doing things that keep you peaceful influence the unborn fetus positively there are certain specific actions and lifestyle changes that form a part of Garbh Sanskar and can be conveniently followed at home.
Doctors also believe that the hormonal secretions activated by the mother’s thoughts also affect the foetus.Īlso Read: How to deal with midnight hunger during pregnancy? Ways to do Garbh Sanskar at home It is said that Prahalad’s mother used to listen to devotional songs when she was pregnant with him, which is why he was a true ‘vishnu bhakt’ inspite of being born in the Asura clan. Even in the Hindu epic Mahabharata, it is said that Abhimanyu learned the war skills while he was still in his mother’s womb, when his father Arjun was explaining the ‘chakravyuh’ formation to his mother. In Indian culture, we believe that the moral education should begin when the baby is not even born.